Weather line phone number - 952.556.8866. Spring Registration Is Now Open
Weather line phone number - 952.556.8866. Spring Registration Is Now Open
I refer you to the following well written article cleverly entitled:
“When is my child going to play real tennis” Click to download the article titled "When is My Child Going to Play "Real" Tennis?" at the bottom of the page.
Please refer to the rainout line tab on the top of the page and call 952.556.8866 for a message about class. If there is no new message, class is on as scheduled.
Please speak with your class instructor. Please remember all kids progress at different times. It is not uncommon for some kids to take the same class more than once
Make sure to bring a good attitude to class and a willingness to “do your best”. A water bottle and a properly sized tennis racket are also important.
Please watch this short 1 minute video instructing how to properly size a child for a racket. Watch here!
Children will learn much faster when they are using the correct equipment for their age group. Please watch the following video cleverly showing why it is important that children learn on the proper equipment. Watch here!
Please refer to the following class progression document. You may also email Jim Mason if you have any further questions. Click to download the article titled "Class Progressions" at the bottom of the page.
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